The Busy Lifter

Helping busy parents reclaim their health & fitness

Tell me if this sounds familiar...

You've led an active life. High school was was full of sports every season. In college intermural, club or even a team sport gave you some structure and direction to avoid the freshman 15.In your 20s, CrossFit, gym classes, 5k, 10k, 15k races dominated your training. You could spend 10+ hours each week on metcons, lifting and running.Now, family, work and other commitments have siphoned the time and energy you used to spend on training & exercise but you're still eating like you were when you were training hard!Your strength & fitness has been slowly degrading over the last few years, while your waistline has been creeping up.I know because this is my story too.Don't get me wrong, my family is the most important thing in my life and I'm just as busy as most with my career. I would not change that for the world. But, I struggled for years to fit exercise and training into this new dependent lifestyle.However, through some trial and error, I was able to slowly integrate simple and proven training and nutrition practices which have reignited my passion for fitness without sacrificing family time or attention unnecessarily.With these simple training hacks, I now feel and look better at 35 years old than I did when I was 30. Injuries are few and far between and most importantly I'm setting a good example for my kids.Now, I am on a mission to help busy parents do the same thing!Trust me, it is entirely within reach to get back in shape, get healthy and get strong with minimal impact to your family or work life.

A tale of two photos

This photo was in 2018 on my first fathers day. This picture is still embarrassing to see. I came complete with a beer belly, round face and pudgy legs. I weighted 225 lbs and felt every ounce of it. My back ached and my knees hurt every day. Each day I was worried if I'd be able to keep up with my kids at the rate I was going.

The second photo is exactly two years later. I finally let go of my old training mentality which was NOT working for my lifestyle with kids and a serious career. I implemented proven, sustainable methods of training which didn't kill my body or require endless hours in the gym. With this, and some basic nutrition principles, I made my way down to 200 lbs and brought my waist back down to 34 in, from 36 in. I feel great, have more confidence, more time and never worry about keeping up with my kids!

The Program

Simple & sustainable twenty to twenty-five minute workouts 3-5x per weekBuilt around compound movements targeting large muscle groups to build lean & functional muscleFocused on sustained & steady power output building both endurance & functional strengthStructured rest times to eliminate won't waste time scrolling Facebook or InstagramTailored to individual goals, abilities and physical or equipment limitations

What's Stopping You From Reclaiming Your Health?

If you're like me, living an overweight, and unhealthy lifestyle is totally unacceptable.Just like training, avoiding it is a habit we build. One skipped day at the gym turns into two and then three. An extra five pounds can turn into 10, 15 or 20 before we know it.We use our family and busy lives as an excuse rather than motivation. Fitness allows us to thrive and enjoy our lives.We must adapt and shed the components of our training and fitness which are not compatible with our new lives.So take the next step to look and feel good again!

Build the Habit


Has it been a while since you trained seriously or are you just getting started in your strength journey?Did you know that you can build a fitness habit in as little as 15 minutes per day?Join me in four-week "Build the Habit" program and make fitness as routine as brushing your teeth!

Fittest Parent on the block


This is your opportunity to make real gains in both physique and overall fitness.These workouts are specifically designed to fit into the busy parent's lifestyle. They can easily fit into those short periods of alone time like lunch breaks, nap time or in the morning before the kids wake up.This is the same program I use to get strong and stay in shape while balancing a full-time career and three kids!

Personalized coaching


This is a one on one coaching option which includes the following:
- One-hour introduction call to build the ideal training program
- Monthly programming with 4 or 5-day per week options
- Access to a private Facebook group for accountability, analysis, and troubleshooting
- Simple to follow nutrition template
-Two check-in calls per month to discuss progress or other training topics

Success Stories

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